Belgian Biodiversity Alliance
Voluntary engagements
Biodiversity, which is the fabric of life, is being depleted at an alarming rate, threatening the ecological, social, economic and spiritual dimensions of all societies, everywhere in the world. Curbing the curve of biodiversity decline is crucial and urgent to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, ensure the transition to nature-friendly and resilient societies, and especially for the future of humanity.
The Belgian Biodiversity Alliance mobilizes Belgian society in a concrete way in the fight against the decline of biodiversity, in Belgium and beyond our borders, through voluntary commitments.

Direct and indirect pressures on biodiversity, as well as their drivers, are known and must be at the centre of efforts to conserve biodiversity and use it sustainably. This objective requires efforts by all of society and depends on cooperation at all levels and across all sectors.
Below are some examples of ongoing or successful biodiversity projects and actions.
Projects and initiatives
Forest in one day
‘Forest in One Day’ is a day when people of different ages, backgrounds and cultures come together to plant a forest in one day.
Poelen: parels in het landschap
Water is life: pools as sources of biodiversity
Behaag je tuin
Joint purchase of native hedges, hedgerows, wood edges and high-stemmed (fruit) trees
Wetlands aims to install five urban wetlands in Flanders and turn them into biodiversity hotspots, which act as natural climate buffers.
Meditation in the Vogelzangbeek valley
Innovative design of Brussels green parks for enhancing the well-being and healthy recovery of citizens.
Transforming grey semi-artificial landscapes into green-blue stepping stones in suburban areas
Greening of the Federal Police site in Asse
Greening the Federal Police site and bringing back local biodiversity.
Royal Military School
Increase biodiversity at the RMS site and create an ecological connection with nearby parks.
Stiemervallei: groen-blauwe levensader in Genk
The city of Genk's ambition is to make the Stiemervalley a green-blue landscape gem that connects people, city and nature.
Plukboerderij Grondig
Plukboerderij Grondig, where four young farmers choose for a short and local supply chain, together with nature.
Waste Warriors
We are committed to converting residual fruit and vegetable streams into food with a longer shelf life.
Are you ready to join the movement?
Join us and let's achieve our goals together!
Where to start?
Discover the two axes and the 10 objectives on which you can act.

Expanding the green-blue network in, around and between cities