Joint purchase of native hedges, hedgerows, wood edges and high-stemmed (fruit) trees
The project
Ecostrades vzw is a collective of a group of passionate individuals who have found their calling to tackle nature management in public spaces in Flanders. We are specifically focused on creating corridors by addressing managers of railway verges and engaging in dialogue with them. The ultimate goal of the ASBL is ecological management on all railway verges and adjacent areas in Flanders. Our expertise and enthusiasm were the driving forces to put our shoulders to the wheel and convince verges managers to allow extensive management that promotes local biodiversity.

Project location
Project costs
Ecostrades vzw connects and forms a network of local and supra-local actors, owners and managers, supporting, facilitating and communicating about local projects.We work mainly with partners:
- Local organisations and associations
- Knowledge institutions
- Public authorities at local, provincial, regional and federal level
- Companie
- Neighbourhood groups
- Foreign organisations (from Germany and from the Netherlands)
How are the criteria of the objective met?
Ecological connectivity
- No use of chemicals: this is important to maintain the biodiversity of native plants, insects, birds and mammals in the landscape, but also to avoid pollution of watercourses.
- Based on the preliminary survey that considers the current condition of the soil, spontaneous emergence of native plant species is chosen or planting of some native plant species is recommended if it adds ecological value to the corridor.
- Proper management will preserve or restore existing natural structures.
- Based on background analysis and field observations, each plan is optimised for the environment in which the corridor is located to maximise its value. For example, the presence of native plants is promoted, providing a greater food supply for bees, wasps, butterflies, birds, mammals,…
Possible initiatives in which the project is involved :
Long-term maintenance
Ecological management is needed to maintain the function of the corridor. To this end, a management plan will be developed that is easy to implement and monitored annually. In this way, management can be adjusted if necessary.
- We promote biodiversity through ecological management: there are many animal and plant species, which can live and move along line infrastructures. We seek to restore, protect and spread their habitat through connectivity with other green-blue zones.
- Our projects also provide nature for surrounding residents to enjoy. Healthy nature helps with water management, air quality, climate mitigation, etc…. These are fundamental ecosystem services that we promote thanks to our biodiversity-friendly management.
- Moreover, our initiative provides nature experiences for young and old in locations where this is not the case. evident. In education, it is important to give children a sense of nature; current knowledge is generally low, leaving an ecological mindset behind. Educating children and adults is as important as applying ecological management, as it can raise awareness of human impact on nature.
Other projects linked to the objective: "Ecological connectivity"
Poelen: parels in het landschap
Water is life: pools as sources of biodiversity