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The key role of wild and domestic pollinators both for nature and human survival is well-known and therefore strategies exist at national, EU and global levels to protect them. Protection and conservation activities include installing beehives and insect houses in urban and peri-urban areas, planting pollinator-friendly plants and flowers, drastically reducing and changing the use of pesticides, fighting invasive alien species, research on their decline, etc. The presence of wild pollinators has significantly decreased these last years, especially in urban areas, due to fragmentation of the ecological network. They indeed do not have easily access to a place to rest which also provides sufficient food.
Citizens can play a significant role in the protection of wild pollinator species: adapted mowing to let space for the insects in their garden, planting insect-friendly vegetal species, planting local species instead of invasive alien species… Many parks, school playgrounds, private gardens already developed flower green spaces with nesting sites for pollinators. Such actions favouring pollination and the presence of pollinating insects, especially in urban areas, can make a substantial contribution to restore biodiversity as well as to enhance the overall ecological network and also contribute to urban farming.
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