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Submit your project
Ready to contribute? Let’s take action together!
Through this form, you can register your biodiversity action(s) and become a member of the BBA network. Your action must be linked to one or more BBA objectives. Before filling out the form, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the different objectives via this link.
After submitting the form, your account will be created and will allow you to further customize your commitment page, if necessary. The page will be published after being submitted for approval by the BBA Secretariat. If you wish to add a second action, you can create it via your existing account.
Your project

Hasselt University

Jane Goodall Institute Belgium

Leefmilieu Brussel - Bruxelles Environnement

SPW Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et Environnement

Regionale Landschappen

Agentschap Natuur en Bos

Instituut Natuur-en Bosonderzoek

Vlaams Bijeninstituut

De Bosgroepen

Belgian Biodiversity Platform

The Shift