Imported primary commodities

By 2030, 38.500.000 tons/year of imported primary commodities in Belgium have at least a neutral impact on biodiversity.

To reduce the impact of the Belgian ecological footprint beyond its border, it is important to green supply chains and integrate biodiversity concerns in the supply chains. One way of doing this is increase the market share of biodiversity-friendly or neutral produced goods that are imported – fair-trade, deforestation-free, positive impact on biodiversity, etc. Another way is to reduce the import of products with a large ecological and social footprint.

What are the objectives to be achieved?

  • Sustainable use, conservation and restoration of biodiversity and its components abroad
  • Reducing detrimental impacts of Belgian imports on biodiversity abroad
  • Integration of biodiversity concerns in import policies and activities
  • Promoting biodiversity-friendly supply chains
  • Enhanced availability of biodiversity-friendly imported primary commodities on the Belgian market
  • Enhanced transparency and reporting of imports

Criteria to be reflected in voluntary commitments:

Imported commodities:

  • Obtained using biodiversity-inclusive production methods: deforestation-free, sustainable land use, agroecology, no use of chemicals as pesticides/manure, …;
  • Obtained using production methods that have respect for the environmental and ecological characteristics of the area;
  • Obtained using production methods based on as much naturalness as possible/as little alteration as possible of the surrounding environment (landscape, quality of water, of soil, …);
  • Obtained using a production system that stimulates the preservation of green and blue areas by limiting the expansion of land use;
  • Whose production methods are incorporated into the surrounding environment (e.g. promote ecological continuity) to reduce their negative impact on the land;
  • Whose traceability can be ensured in the long term: transparency of supply chains and availability of information to consumers.

Projects and initiatives "Imported primary commodities"

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