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This objective specifically aims to address challenges related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, water management and soil degradation in cities by using nature-based solutions and in doing so to strengthen the urban and peri-urban green-blue network.
Nature-based solutions restore natural and modified ecosystems for their biodiversity values and address societal challenges such as climate change or natural disasters. In particular urban and peri-urban areas will be heavily affected by climate change, given the stronger impact of heat waves, water shortage, water floods, air pollution, etc.
Applying nature-based solutions specifically in urban and peri-urban areas will support urban biodiversity while addressing several of these challenges and enhance the resilience of cities as well as the well-being of its citizens. Such actions will contribute to several goals regarding climate change adaptation and mitigation, water management, regulating floods, water purification and retention, reducing gas emissions and air purification, enhancing the CO2 storage capacity in soil, wetlands and forests, etc. as well as public health.
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