Poelen: parels in het landschap

Water is life: pools as sources of biodiversity
Developing the green-blue network

Regionale Landschappen

Started in: 2015

Project by: Regionale Landschappen

Started in: 2015

The project

Regional Landscapes maintains and digs new pools to improve and connect habitat for water-related plants and animals, thus strengthening the ecological network in the area of operation. Through sensitisation and promotion, different target groups are convinced of the value of natural pools. By building and restoring our pond network, we secure the future for frogs, salamanders and numerous other aquatic animals.

Until now we have built 1146 pools.

Project location



12 km linear infrastructures

Project costs

Below 10.000 €


  • Funding: living environment grants from provinces (70%) and private individuals (30%)
  • Regionale Landschappen: advice, support, implementation

How are the  criteria of the objective met?

Ecological connectivity

  • Facilitate the safe migration of animal and/or plant species across the different zones of the green-blue network.
  • Restore and/or promote biodiverse landscape elements (e.g. trees, hedges, flowers, rivers) along linear infrastructures (e.g. roads, railroads).
  • Manage the amenities ecologically.

Possible initiatives in which the project is involved :

This project is not part of an existing initiative.

Long-term maintenance

Three years after pool construction or restoration, RLRL visits the pool to monitor it. This involves checking water parameters and making an inventory of the aquatic plants, aquatic animals and amphibians present. The species data obtained are entered on www.waarnemingen.be. The results are sent to the pond owner or manager together with management advice.


Improve landscape and wildlife values. Support vulnerable amphibian species such as the crested newt.

Other projects linked to the objective: "Ecological connectivity"
