Groene Oases

Your way to a green playground
Developing the green-blue network

Regionale Landschappen

Started in: 2023

Project by: Regionale Landschappen

Started in: 2023

The project

With this pilot project, Province of Antwerp wants to support schools in softening and greening playgrounds. Within this project, we look at what is feasible for the school and the school put together its own greening package! Opt for (fruit) trees and hedges? Or will the playground become a vibrant play oasis with a tile garden, insect hotel and a candy bush? Customised for the school, we work with small, medium-sized and large oases. Depending on the chosen oasis, the school can do performances on its playground with a predetermined budget.

Project location

Province of Antwerp


195 buildings and/or infrastructures

Project costs

10.000 - 50.000 €


The Province of Antwerp provides the resources and coordination, while the Antwerp Regional Landscapes help with implementation. Participation is therefore only possible for schools whose city, municipality or district is affiliated with a Regional Landscape. MOS provides guidance at schools on the support base and the integration of greening in the school operation (what can we do with that green: involve children, incorporate it in lessons). + Participating schools receiving more than €2,500 contribute 30% financially.

How are the  criteria of the objective met?

Buildings and infrastructures

  • Have as much naturalness as possible to replace grey and concrete surfaces
  • Respect and/or improve the specific ecological characteristics of the area (e.g. the topography, the type of landscape, the local plant and animal life) to effectively replace the gray/concrete surface.
  • Use native species/subspecies that are more resilient and resistant to climate change.

Possible initiatives in which the project is involved :

The project is not part of any existing initiative.

Long-term maintenance

Participating schools guarantee that realisations will be maintained for a minimum of 10 years.


  • A green oasis results in a better living environment by reducing the heat island effect, increasing rainwater infiltration, and creating a greener environment.
  • The green oasis will be integrated within the educational/pedagogical project of the participating school.
  • By choosing native vegetation, we are committed to preserving local biodiversity; playgrounds are transformed into stepping stones in the fragmented landscape.

Other projects linked to the objective: "Buildings and infrastructures"
