Water is life: pools as sources of biodiversity
Behaag je tuin
The project
A beautiful mixed hedge, hedge or wood edging along your garden? Blushing apples from your own standard orchard? A tile garden against your facade, or a natural way to make your garden more play-friendly? Regional Landscapes offers planting material packages of local species to make your garden attractive to birds, bees and butterflies. We also offer native standard trees. You can also enjoy the blossoms and fruit yourself. Want to make your garden more play-friendly in a natural way? Then order the bundles of willow branches with which you can build a living green playhouse or other living willow constructions for children. You will also find wild honeysuckle and the wild woodland vine which, as climbing plants, can brighten up even the smaller garden. A little tile garden against your facade will do.
Project location
Project costs
- Provinces of Flemish Brabant, East and West Flanders: to roll out action/support
- Regional Landscapes Meetjesland and Leievallei, Houtland and Polders, Scheldt-Deurne, and the five Regional Landscapes of Flemish Brabant: the logistics component
- Private individuals: procurement
- Plants: from growers with the ‘Plant from here’ label
How are the criteria of the objective met?
Ecological connectivity
- Tribal and autochthonous plants are trees and shrubs that have been in our areas for a very long time and are therefore well adapted to the soil and living conditions, giving them greater chances of survival than imported species.
- The growth and flowering cycle of these plants is tailored to the needs of our local fauna and flora.
- The regional landscapes and the municipalities deliberately choose mixed hedge packages because they have an ecological added value compared to a hedge consisting only of hornbeam or beech.
- The natural value of standard (fruit) trees is very important. As a ‘small landscape element’, a standard tree is important as a habitat or as a stepping stone between habitats for numerous animal species (e.g. tree creepers, cave pigeons, lesser spotted woodpeckers, ring sparrows, little owls, acorn mice, bats, butterflies, ants, bumblebees and bees, etc.).
- Standard trees are home all year round to numerous insects and other invertebrates such as spiders and mites. A standard tree is more than just a fruit tree!
Possible initiatives in which the project is involved :
Long-term maintenance
At the expense of the individual who purchased the hedge. Advice on maintenance is provided by Regional Landscapes.
- Human experience
- Supporting local biodiversity
Other projects linked to the objective: "Ecological connectivity"
Creating natural corridors across the landscape.